The Sainte Marguerite peninsula in Landéda


Presqu'île Sainte-Marguerite: the call of the open sea

As the seasons change, the Ste Marguerite peninsula always has something to offer. Golden glows on summer evenings, fields of lush green ferns, little beaches sheltered from the wind. Discover it the easy way: on foot, for a few minutes' stroll or just to get away from it all and enjoy nature. One thing's for sure: the Ste Marguerite peninsula is a gentle refuge for the curious all year round!

a landéda

A peninsula of dune and sand

Charm on the menu

Do you like to relax?

Settle down on one of its quiet beaches and enjoy the moment! The big advantage is that you'll easily find a stretch of sand sheltered from the wind! Is the sea rising? Now's the time to take a dip in the crystal-clear, invigorating water! Going down? Take a walk along the foreshore, and disconnect from the world!

Lire la vidéo sur Sainte Marguerite
Kite surfing on the dunes of Sainte Marguerite

Energy to spare?

Let's set the scene: vast stretches of sand, a few sparse islets, a dune belt of vegetation, timid rocky heaps, the open sea in front of you... an environment that gives you wings! 

The ideal spot for kite surfing! Inflate your sail, get a taste of the gliding sensation and why not take to the skies above the islets? Nothing is impossible!


Water walking is one of the healthiest ways to look after your body. By walking in water, you avoid shocks and protect your joints. With water up to your navel, you develop your endurance and balance. An excellent way to burn calories while enjoying the fresh air, it's also good for your muscular, respiratory and cardiac systems! An activity that can be practised in summer and winter alike, and is accessible to everyone!

Water-walking session on Sainte Marguerite beach in Landéda
Alexandre Lamoureux
Ste Marguerite beach and dunes
Dune flora © A. Lamoureux

Focus on

A rich but fragile space

Véritable cocon de biodiversité, le cordon dunaire de Ste marguerite se dresse fièrement contre vents et marées sur une cinquantaine d’hectares. Son secret ? Une végétation résistante, aux longues et robustes racines, comme l’oyat. Ce site Natura 2000 est un espace naturel protégé traversé par le GR34 et bordé de plages accessibles toute l’année.

Aux pieds des dunes, plusieurs plages de sable fin offrent des conditions de baignades idéales. Sur le sable, on retrouve une végétation fragile et des cordons de laisse de mer, composés de débris végétaux rejetés par la mer. Un garde-manger pour le peuple de la plage et des dunes ! Le massif, qui culmine par endroits à une vingtaine de mètres, accueille oiseaux, reptiles et végétaux.

So keep an eye out when you're out and about, and make sure you stay on the marked paths. And if your 4-legged friend is with you, keep him on a leash. 

Sainte Marguerite beach and dunes
Ste Marguerite beach and dunes © A. Lamoureux
Lire la vidéo sur Randonnée sur les dunes de Sainte Marguerite

Explore on foot and by bike

A l’image du célèbre GR 34 pour les marcheurs, la voie littorale V45 vous offre la Bretagne à vélo, en longeant de près ou de loin les grèves, baies et côtes découpées… 

The Ste Marguerite peninsula, however, is an exception. Its fragile dune belt and coastal path can only be explored on foot. But don't panic! If you want to enjoy the magic of two wheels, you can cycle around the peninsula! However, you'll have to leave your bike behind for the duration of the walk in the sand. It's a great opportunity to go from one point to another, and discover the area from north to south!

Walk on the dunes of Sainte Marguerite
Cycling on the Littorale
Stroll along Ste Marguerite beach at sunset


Mona, resident of Landéda

The peninsula is a refuge. I fell in love with this place, which still surprises me, even after 35 years here. The summer sunsets, the melody of the birds on spring mornings, or the first gusts of autumn wind... I love Sunday walks on the GR after lunch. When the sky is threatening, it's like a challenge we all set ourselves. Then we have the luxury of being able to choose: a long 2-hour walk or a short round trip, just to see nature. My son learned to swim here, and I swim even in winter, although it's true that the bathing doesn't last as long, but the pleasure lasts all year round!

Ste Marguerite beach and dunes
Alexandre Lamoureux
Yoga on the dunes of Sainte Marguerite in Landéda
Alexandre Lamoureux

Penn Enez, at the end of the world

Pour une marche méditative de bon matin, un footing en bord de mer avant le déjeuner ou simplement pour observer la nature et prendre un grand bol d’air marin… Vous trouverez mille et une raisons de vous évader à la pointe de Penn Enez. A chaque pas une nouvelle surprise : d’épais talus de fougères, quelques arbres bien enracinés et décoiffés par l’air du large et même des vestiges militaires… devenus promontoires parfaitement placés pour scruter l’horizon !

All around you: Ile de la Croix and its pyramidal bitter, a landmark for approaching sailors, the Pendante channel, the rocks and Ile Stagadon and its house of refuge, and in the distance, Ile Vierge and its 2 lighthouses. At your feet, the coastline is rough and jagged. Sand dunes are not far away, close to pebble clusters. Here, there's always something to observe, something to imagine as the boats set off on their adventure.

Cézon Island getaway

L’énigmatique Fort Cézon est édifié sur une petite île, à l’embouchure de l’Aber Wrac’h, sous l’impulsion du célèbre ingénieur Vauban. 

La construction des fortifications de l’île débute en 1694, avant d’évoluer au fil des siècles, jusqu’à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, au cours de laquelle furent érigés 17 blockhaus !

Lire la vidéo sur Vue aérienne sur l'île Cézon
© Thibault Poriel

zoom on...

Fort Cézon

From the artillery tower, the view across the mouth of Aber Wrac'h is incredible. It's easy to see why so many armed troops made this their home! Today owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral, the island is accessible on foot at low tide for a wide range of events. Thanks to the Cézon association, you can discover these imposing old stones and breathe in the beautiful energy that emanates from them! 

Guided tours, participatory workcamps and special cultural events bring new life to these stones that have so much to tell us!

Gaïde's 4 favorites

  1. Winter sunsets, sitting on a rock: the cold stings the cheeks a little, but the sky is ablaze over the Celtic Sea!
  2. Wild orchids in bloom in fine weather: subtle touches of purple pierce the dune vegetation.
  3. Marcher sur le GR au petit matin, bercée par le chant des alouettes et voir le soleil monter derrière la dune pour réchauffer le sable… et la mer, un petit peu !
  4. L'amer de fort Cézon: the huge white circle painted on the artillery tower, a precious landmark for navigators.
Sunset on the dunes of Sainte Marguerite
Loris Genty

Accommodation & restaurants

to make the most of your stay on the Presqu'île Sainte Marguerite
How do I get there?

By car

  • 30 minutes from Brest, via the D13

By bus

  • line 20 from Brest. Line terminus.
Getting there with Google Maps