Vini-Dom cellar

Butchers - Delicatessens - Caterers - Cavistes - Grocery stores - Cheese and dairy products - Organic products
Vini Dom2Ā©Vinidom
Vini DomĀ©Vinidom

Why choose this establishment?

SĆ©lectin de vins BIO et Biodynamie, biĆØres, alcools rĆ©gionaux.
Fromages AOP, fermiers, charcuterie artisanale. Plateaux sur commande.
Chocolat, thƩ, cafƩ, Ʃpices du monde.
Epicerie artisanale. Ouvert 7/7.

Main services

  • Accessible PMR

Spoken language(s)

  • French
  • English
Butchers - Delicatessens - Caterers - Cavistes - Grocery stores - Cheese and dairy products - Organic products

Vini-Dom cellar

6 Place de l'Ɖglise
29870 Lannilis
Getting there with Google Maps