From the top of my Dune

Crafts - Gifts - Pottery - Jewellery - Watches
From the top of my Dune
From the top of my Dune 3
From the top of my Dune 2

Why choose this establishment?

On the port of Aber Wrac'h, there's a little store brimming with treasures. Artisans d'art, Fred and Isa, in love with the sea, transform the material.

Under their fingers, fish leather, shagreen, salmon, carp, sturgeon and julienne, mother-of-pearl, pearls and wood are transformed into original jewelry. Necklaces become reversible, and rings, bracelets and earrings complete the ensemble.

Small pieces of recycled furniture, lamps and paintings contribute to the store's decor.

Spoken language(s)

  • French
  • English
Crafts - Gifts - Pottery - Jewellery - Watches

From the top of my Dune

130 Route de Ar Palud
29870 Landéda
Getting there with Google Maps