L'Aber Benoît

Natural heritage
L'Aber Benoît
L'Aber Benoît
L'Aber Benoît
L'Aber Benoît

Why take advantage?

Located between Aber-Wrac'h and Aber-Ildut, this aber is 31 km long and runs alongside the communes of Lannilis, Tréglonou, Saint Pabu, Landéda and Plabennec, winding its way through wooded landscapes, wetlands and fields...
Sea currents and freshwater streams provide an ideal environment for oyster farming: flat and hollow oysters are a real treat!

To taste: Prat-ar-Coum oysters with a delicious hazelnut taste.

Natural heritage

L'Aber Benoît

29870 Lannilis
Getting there with Google Maps